Forecast: Mo, 01.07.2024, Estonia

Cities: 15 (32) Temp. Weather
Elva 26°C  showers and thunderstorms
Jõgeva 27°C  isolated showers and thunderstorms
Jõhvi 28°C  showers and thunderstorms
Kunda 29°C  isolated showers and thunderstorms
Mustvee 27°C  showers and thunderstorms
Narva 30°C  showers and thunderstorms
Otepää Parish 27°C  showers and thunderstorms
Põlva 29°C  showers and thunderstorms
Sillamäe 29°C  showers and thunderstorms
Tartu 27°C  showers and thunderstorms
Tõrva 26°C  showers and thunderstorms
Türi 25°C  isolated showers and thunderstorms
Väike-Maarja Parish 26°C  showers and thunderstorms
Valga 27°C  showers and thunderstorms
Viljandi 26°C  isolated showers and thunderstorms