Forecast: Su, 30.06.2024, Uzbekistan

Cities: 16 (72) Temp. Weather
Ak-Bajtal 28°C  mostly sunny
Andijan 30°C  isolated showers and thunderstorms
Angren 30°C  various clouds
Baikadam 29°C  light rain
Chimbaj 29°C  mostly sunny
Fergana 30°C  isolated showers and thunderstorms
Yangiobod 28°C  isolated showers
Jany-jer 28°C  isolated showers
Jaslyk 29°C  sunny
Khantau 29°C  isolated showers
Nukus 28°C  light rain
Nukus 28°C  light rain
Pskem 25°C  isolated showers
Karatau 28°C  showers
Qo'ng'irot 29°C  sunny

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